More Proof That ADHD is Bogus
Many of you sneer when I say that ADHD is a made up disease to line someone’s pocket through the sale of dangerous and unnecessary drugs. However, you can’t ignore the facts! Do you really believe that this many children all suddenly have a disorder causing them to be immature, have problems paying attention and be overly hyper? Seriously?
Before I even get on the topic of this new study, think about this: public schools are structurally inflexible. They have a set curriculum, then try to force each and every student into that little mold. The ones that don’t fit, they tell the parents that they aren’t paying attention in class, and aren’t able to sit still. This translates into a doctor’s appointment in which the child is put on the growth-stunting, brain shrinking drugs…this is a very popular scenario. Does that sound like a real disease to you?
Well here’s more proof for you. In a recent study on younger children, researchers found that younger children in Kindergarten classes were more likely to be “diagnosed” with ADHD.
As I’m sure every parent is aware, schools have cut-off dates for Kindergarten enrollment. So in a school where the child must be 5 by August 1st to be enrolled for that year, the study showed that a child who barely made the cut-off date is more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than a child who had been 5 earlier in the year.
Obviously, this speaks more about the maturity level of the child, not of any perceived “hyperactivity” issues the child may have.
So who exactly benefits from these harmful drugs? It’s not the kids! It’s not the families, many of whom struggle to pay for those drugs. It’s the teachers, who benefit from having a drugged up child who isn’t disrupting the class, and the drug companies who are making a fortune from the drug sales.
To quote MSNBC,
Accurate diagnosing is crucial, the researchers say, because stimulant medications are often prescribed as a treatment for ADHD. The stimulants have side effects, including insomnia, stomachache, headache, dizziness and decreased appetite, and they have been shown to increase heart rates and blood pressure. Little is known about their long-term effects.
Did you read that last sentence?
Little is known about their long-term effects.
Why would you agree to put your child, your greatest treasure, on drugs that experts admit they don’t know what damage could occur? Research has already shown that Ritalin slows brain development and stunts children’s growth. Who knows what other damage this drug is doing to our children?
Personally, it makes it really easy to avoid putting my children on any drugs when I see commercials everyday for new class action lawsuits. I don’t want to be the parent of a child that ends up being a victim of whatever deadly diseases these ADHD drugs cause.
Read the original article:
Scientists have conducted scans and studies and found that ADHD is caused by chemical, structural, and connectivity differences in the brain. So, no, it’s not ‘bogus’. As for the drugs, they have been proven to not cause any problems unless you’re abusing them (taking them when you don’t have ADHD, many people do this because it causes their brain to release dopamine and makes them feel high), which can lead to heart problems along with other issues. Other than that, if someone has ADHD and is taking the correct amount, there are no harmful effects. Of course, there may be minor side affects for the first few days after starting medication, but nothing too concerning. Also, I noticed that in a previous blog post you were talking about how pesticides cause ADHD. How do you think pesticides can cause ADHD if you don’t believe in ADHD in the first place? Next time, don’t contradict yourself and please do your research more thoroughly before posting. Have a nice day.
Scientists have conducted scans and studies and found that ADHD is caused by chemical, structural, and connectivity differences in the brain. So, no, it’s not ‘bogus’. As for the drugs, they have been proven to not cause any problems unless you’re abusing them (taking them when you don’t have ADHD, many people do this because it causes their brain to release dopamine and makes them feel high), which can lead to heart problems along with other issues. Other than that, if someone has ADHD and is taking the correct amount, there are no harmful effects. Of course, there may be minor side affects for the first few days after starting medication, but nothing too concerning. Also, I noticed that in a previous blog post you were talking about how pesticides cause ADHD. How do you think pesticides can cause ADHD if you don’t believe in ADHD in the first place? Next time, don’t contradict yourself and please do your research more thoroughly before posting. Have a nice day.
Scientists have conducted scans and studies and found that ADHD is caused by chemical, structural, and connectivity differences in the brain. So, no, it’s not ‘bogus’. As for the drugs, they have been proven to not cause any problems unless you’re abusing them (taking them when you don’t have ADHD, many people do this because it causes their brain to release dopamine and makes them feel high), which can lead to heart problems along with other issues. Other than that, if someone has ADHD and is taking the correct amount, there are no harmful effects. Of course, there may be minor side affects for the first few days after starting medication, but nothing too concerning. Also, I noticed that in a previous blog post you were talking about how pesticides cause ADHD. How do you think pesticides can cause ADHD if you don’t believe in ADHD in the first place? Next time, don’t contradict yourself and please do your research more thoroughly before posting. Have a nice day.
thanks you for telling here, it fills my heart with joy to hear that.